ELVEX Chain Saw And Protective Chaps

ASTM compliant safety pants made of abrasion resistant fabric to offer reduction in heat build-up, and maximum flexibility and water resistance. Feature Prolar Protective padding which jams the chainsaw within milliseconds reducing the injury severity


Chain Saw Chaps

StyleModelColorFits Waist SizeLengthMaterialSizePrice (inc. GST)
AJE-8000Green33 to 36"-NylonUniversalA$ 246.82
BJE-9139Orange-39"Nylon Cordura And Polyester39 InA$ 349.93
CJE-9033Orange-33"Nylon-A$ 263.05
CJE-9036Orange-36"Nylon-A$ 263.05
DJE-9433Orange-33"Nylon Cordura And Polyester-A$ 299.55
EJE-9436Orange-36"Cordura Nylon-A$ 299.55
BJE-9133Orange-33"Nylon Cordura And Polyester33 InA$ 349.93
BJE-9136Orange-36"Nylon Cordura And Polyester36 InA$ 349.93
CJE-9039Orange-39"Nylon-A$ 263.05
FJE-9439Orange39"39"Nylon-A$ 299.55
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AWELJE9133ZHVA$ 405.46
AWELJEAP2XL32A$ 696.52
AWELJEAP2M29A$ 702.02
AWELJEAP2L34A$ 739.55
AWELJEAP2L31A$ 731.35
AWELJEAP2M32A$ 717.18
AWELJEAP1XL32A$ 717.18
AWELJEAP1M32A$ 717.18
AWELJEAP1L31A$ 717.18
AWELJEAP2M29A$ 717.18
AWELJEAP2M32A$ 678.22
AWELJE9136ZHVA$ 405.46
AWELJEAP2L34A$ 717.18
AWELJEAP1L34A$ 717.18
AWELJEAP2XL32A$ 717.18
AWELJEAP2L31A$ 717.18
AWELJEAP1M29A$ 717.18
AWELJE9139ZHVA$ 370.44
AWELJE9136ZHVA$ 376.97
AWELJE9133ZHVA$ 374.66
AWELJE9139ZHVA$ 405.46

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